Mini Cooper is a notable mini car. With sophisticated design at that time, this car has became one collector’s item, even becoming the most popular British car ever. Firstly created in 1959 by British manufacturer, BMC, the car has evolved into modern one since 2001. The shape now is more sporty and now owned by German giant manufacturer, BMW.
Already interested in this car? Looking for the trustworthy seller that is based in California? There are lot of mini cooper seller in California, online and offline. One of them is Owned by The Car Advisory Network, which is based in Palo Alto, offers wide range of Mini Cooper’s models, including Hardtop, Convertible, and Clubman. You can also read some round up review from the experts.
You can select the most suitable model, based on their prices. You can select the price for under US$ 25,000 and over US$ 25,000. You can also follow their latest news in MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and FriendFeed. They also create special information site, made for iPhone consumers.
Beside selling Mini Cooper, also sell various brands, including Japanese cars, US cars, and German cars like suv, mercedes benz, etc.. It is a sign that is the notable car seller in the area. Whatever your model’s choice, you will never forget the experience of buying a car at
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