Friday, July 17, 2009

Suntan Lotion

Hi Guys, I was actually browsing over the internet this evening. While I was browsing I happen to come across this site. The site actually deals with suntan lotion & P20 sunfliter. We’ve all been told a thousand times to avoid too much sun exposure, wear a hat, use sunscreen, and wear UV-blocking sunglasses - but the fact is many of us still feel better with a tan, and nothing will stop us from spending time soaking up the sun. Cases of skin cancer have doubled in the UK over the past two decades, and each year thousands of new cases are reported.

One positive health benefit we get from sunlight is that it enables us to produce vitamin D. But unfortunately the same UVB ultraviolet rays that stimulate vitamin D production also cause skin cancer and premature ageing. And while a healthy-looking tan may be attractive, the ‘wrinkled prune effect’ you could have in a decade’s time will be less than alluring…

Most kids rack up some 50-80 percent of their lifetime’s sun exposure before they reach the age of 18, so it’s important to look after their skin early on. Children are more susceptible to the harmful effects of the sun because their skin is thinner the younger they are. Many parents choose a cream with a higher sun factor, swimsuits that offer more coverage, or take a parasol to the beach to provide shade.

As climate change continues to have an effect on global weather it is predicted that in Europe we will see higher temperatures and more intense sunshine. Ironically many still consider this to be a benefit of climate change however aid agencies and disaster relief organisations are highlighting the devastating effects that global warming is having on the weather elsewhere around the world and causing catastrophic misery and poverty for communities who are least responsible for the carbon emissions that are a primary cause of the warming effects of global climate change. I guess the information provided is useful. Thank You For reading...........

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