Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gadgets and Gizmos

Hi guys, I was actually browsing over the internet. While I was browsing I happen to come across this site. The name of this site is I thought of sharing it with you guys so that it might be useful to you people.

The 80GB model is going to see some serious hardware constraints in the weeks ahead, and retailers have about 60 days worth of inventory before the systems will become hard to find. Expect to see many more 160GB units on store shelves. Those units have no constraints yet, but if the retailers sell through that supply as quickly as they did the 80GB, Sony is in a good place for the final part of its plan in 2009: dropping the price of hardware and launching the PS3 Slim in the fall.

am one of those addicted in online auction, in fact I am a seller too. I get a lot of stuffs online that sometimes half of the original price when you get it online. The most common up for auctions are Sony, PS2, PS3, Xbox, games, consoles for $5.90!, great deals aren't they? If you can get them on a cheaper price why go to the store? I am a wise buyer and I think many times before putting my money into something. I wanna make sure that I will get a good quality item at the lower price.

We have absolutely no information on what to expect from that price drop, so we don't know how large it will be... yet. Still, hearing confirmation from the Mole that it's coming is great news. Sony has had much success getting people excited about the PSP platform with a raft of new games and the PSP Go hardware, so launching the PS3 Slim and dropping the price on the hardware that's out now should give the platform its own boost.

For more info, please visit

I guess the information provided is useful. Thank You For Reading.............

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