Thursday, October 1, 2009

Web Directories

Hi guys, I was actually browsing over the internet. While I was browsing I happen to come across this site. The name of this site is I thought of sharing it with you guys so that it might be useful to you people.

If you have been using the internet for quite some time, chances are you may have come across the word “web directory”. At the first glance of that word, many would assume it is the same as a search engine. They both are used interchangeably but the fact is, they both are not the same. Web directories have been around for many years.

A business web directory organizes sites within its database according to criteria like categories or subject. It is usually maintained by humans instead of search engine software like spiders. Site owners can gain exposure from web directories as their sites can be seen by searchers looking through a web directory’s list of web sites. To have your site be part of a free web directory, usually you submit your site to it for approval. The people in charge of the web directory site will then check out your submission and see if they will approve it or not. An example of a web directory site is Yahoo Directory’s own web directory search serviceand few others like DMOZ.

Some web directory categories are free while some require you to pay before your site can be part of their database list. Jasmine Directory is also a web directory site that houses web site URLs to be part of its database. A great advantage of website directories over search engines is their efficiency. They do not depend on deep linking but instead is direct to the point in linking you to the main page of the site that a searcher is looking for.

Now then, if you really would like to see your business soar to greater heights, get yourself a suitable business web directory. You will be amazed at how fast people will start responding to you once they reach your site found in the web directory.

For more info, please visit

I guess the information provided is useful. Thank You For Reading............

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